重新好好看Friends, 用英文字幕,力求搞懂,本意是学习口语,所以开始只是随便挑出几集反复观看,跟读。但不知不觉就又被吸引了,然后赶紧把记忆中的几个画面找出来重新看过,看这些的时候就是完全脱离初衷了,不过貌似提高些听力,who knows.
124 Rachel Finds Out
201 Ross' New Girlfriend
207 Ross Finds Out
208 The List
214 The Prom Video
215 Ross And Rachel ... You Know
219 Eddie Won't Go
224 Barry And Mindy's Wedding
306 The Flashback
315 Ross & Rachel Take A Break
316 The Morning After
801 The One After They Say I Do
802 the one with the red sweater
803 the one where rachel tells
804 the one with the videotape
805 the one with rachels date
822 the one where rachel is late
823-24 the one where rachel has a baby
901 The One Where No One Proposes
1019-20 Final
If you cannot recall what happens in these episodes you can turn to F6 Plots to see it.
It's obviously that most of them are about Ross&Rachel :P
When I saw the emotional part such as Ross & Rachel Take A Break and Final, I cannot stop my tear dropping.