星期三, 九月 27, 2006
星期六, 九月 23, 2006
孙燕姿 新歌 雨天
作词:小寒 作曲:李伟菘
站在十字路的交点 该怎么走 我却只想回头
除了你给的伞 我再也没有
别的借口 去拥有你的什么
你能体谅我有雨天 偶尔胆怯你都了解
过去那些 大雨落下的瞬间 我突然发现
谁能体谅我的雨天 所以情愿回你身边
此刻脚步会慢一些 如此坚决 你却越来越远
作回朋友 我却悔恨不懂挽留
你能体谅我有雨天 偶尔胆怯你都了解
过去那些 大雨落下的瞬间 我突然发现
谁能体谅我的雨天 所以情愿回你身边
此刻脚步会慢一些 如此坚决 你却越来越远
是否太晚 路已走远 我的眼眶泪太满 走不回你身边
你能体谅我有雨天 偶尔胆怯你都了解
过去那些 大雨落下的瞬间 我突然发现
谁能体谅我的雨天 此刻脚步会慢一些
如此坚决 你却越来越远
回忆点点滴滴 part1
星期六, 九月 09, 2006
Some lines from Friends
Ross: You deserve to be with someone who appreciates you, and who gets how funny and sweet and amazing, and adorable, and sexy you are, you know? Someone who wakes up every morning thinking "Oh my god, I'm with Rachel". You know, someone who makes you feel good, the way I am with Julie.
要是用的话把人名和最后一句改一下就行了,比如 someone like me.
JOEY: Ok, let's start with the cons, 'cause they're more fun. All right, Rachel first.
ROSS: I don't know. I mean, all right, I guess you can say she's a little spoiled sometimes.
JOEY: You could say that.
ROSS: And I guess, you know, sometimes, she's a little ditzy, you know. And I've seen her be a little too into her looks. Oh, and Julie and I, we have a lot in common 'cause we're both paleontologists, but Rachel's just a waitress.
CHAN: Waitress. Got it. You guys wanna play Doom? Or we could keep doing this. What else?
ROSS: I don't know.
JOEY: Oh, her ankles are a little chubby.
CHAN: Ok, let's do Julie. What's wrong with her?
ROSS: [long pause] She's not Rachel.
Ross: Look, look, there’s got to be a way we can work past this. Okay, (takes a hold of one of her arms.) I can’t imagine, I can’t imagine my life without you. (Both of them are starting to cry.) Without, without these arms, and your face, and this heart. Your good heart Rach, (drops to his knees and hugs her around her waist) and, and....
Rachel: (crying) No. I can’t, you’re a totally different person to me now. I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me, ever. God, and now I just can’t stop picturing with her, I can’t, (Ross stands up and backs away) it doesn’t matter what you say, or what you do, Ross. It’s just changed, everything. Forever.
[We see the rest of them are now crying.]
Ross: (crying) Yeah, but this can’t be it, I mean.
Rachel: Then how come it is?
124 Rachel Finds Out
201 Ross' New Girlfriend
207 Ross Finds Out
208 The List
214 The Prom Video
215 Ross And Rachel ... You Know
219 Eddie Won't Go
224 Barry And Mindy's Wedding
306 The Flashback
315 Ross & Rachel Take A Break
316 The Morning After
801 The One After They Say I Do
802 the one with the red sweater
803 the one where rachel tells
804 the one with the videotape
805 the one with rachels date
822 the one where rachel is late
823-24 the one where rachel has a baby
901 The One Where No One Proposes
1019-20 Final
If you cannot recall what happens in these episodes you can turn to F6 Plots to see it.
It's obviously that most of them are about Ross&Rachel :P
When I saw the emotional part such as Ross & Rachel Take A Break and Final, I cannot stop my tear dropping.
星期一, 九月 04, 2006
Recommend YouTube
I find it both a wonderful site to kill time but also an amazing place to share videos today although I have known YouTube for a long time.
Just as Flickr helps people around the world to share photos, YouTube is aim to share videos in a quick and easy way.
One can watch other's videos without lots of annoying buffering things. It's interesting to seek videos in the huge website aimlessly and all of a sudden, a nice video appears. As for me, I turn to a category, let's say Music, and there are 1449139 videos related to music, then i can type some keyword to find or just browse them by pages. When find some thing attractive, just click on that and the vedio begins to play. However, this huge number 1449139 is not the cool thing. What's cool is YouTube will list related videos, let along the Comments, Rating and Favorites system.
星期六, 九月 02, 2006
鲁豫有约 David Tao & blah
今天在电视上胡乱换着台的时候居然就碰巧看到了鲁豫有约的一开始,就是鲁豫刚刚走上台,再仔细看,对象是David Tao,lucky me,瞎换台还能从开头开始看一个爱看的节目。
以前只是听歌,对于David Tao本人没什么了解,今天还算是了解了不少
- David Tao小的时候很胖,乳名叫小胖,而陶妈妈在陶长大后还是称其为小胖,一次在大街上大喊:"小胖过来"。
- David Tao在美国当过1年8个月警察,经他描述这算是相当危险的职业。
- 在屏幕上见到了娃娃,终于知道了这个了不起的词作家是什么样。
- 陶很喜欢用唇膏。
PS: 这篇写了第一段就不想写了,因为觉得有点流水账+无意义,但是刚才看见了david seven以前的一帖 瞬间倾心 恒久钟情,决定还是接着写吧。
看完鲁豫有约继续瞎换台,换到了音乐节目,百事音乐风云榜。已经很久很久没有看过什么排行榜节目了,对新歌也基本处于只知道有但不听的状态,所以还是饶有兴趣地看了一下。刚开始是内地榜单了,10名 香香 9名 胡杨林 全是网络歌手,从方的歌曲中我是没有听出来有什么唱功,香香的歌属于听起来没什么含量的,而胡杨林呢,初听感觉其一直在用假音,很高,还不错,但接着就发现似乎是刻意地在用高音,因为唱得有点发颤似乎对于高音的控制力不行,哦这只是我刻薄又没有知识的观点,毕竟据主持人说,我所评价的这首香水有毒还是非常受欢迎的。接着的排名记不住了,只是记得去年超女前三甲都有,其中周笔畅占了两个席位,其中一个是第2名,一首说唱歌曲,但是也许是电视里放的片段太短了,也许是我不太能接受周笔畅的说唱曲风,反正我那时听着没有感到节奏的美感。第一名是花儿,他们的曲风一直还是蛮喜欢的,有点好玩,耍宝,几个月前盛传他们整张专辑都是翻唱却说成是自己创作的,而且确实是有证据,把每首歌的原唱都找出来了,这个事件我没有关心,只是在网上偶然看到,所以也不知最后结果如何,anyway,现在他们有新歌上榜而且是第一名,又仍然有着那种玩耍的曲风,总是好事。
快开学了,开学就要忙了,六门专业课,每一门都要认真努力学,不像上学期虽然也是6门但有两门平时就基本没学过。还有那学海无涯的英语,呜呼!现在也应该是很忙的,因为要学英语,只是我刻意地安排地轻松些、不去想开学后的事,因为我知道,一开学就不是我在掌控我的生活了,简简单单的完成学习任务就可以归纳my schedule,我将被强有力的手推着快速前进,it's not up to me.